Possible Grievances/Complaints
The nature of Grievances/ complaints which may be envisaged to be received by the Grievance Redress Officers at different levels of project implementation can be enlisted as follows. The complaints may relate to the following or any other project related matter touching to NATP-2. Grievance Redress Officers will have to deal with these complaints.
Grievance Redress Mechanism
The project intends to implement a robust and responsive three tiers Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) by putting in place specific persons who shall be entrusted with the responsibility for the same, with provisions of online tracking and monitoring of the deliverance on this score. In case some conflicts arise between stakeholders (though not very likely) or in case some stakeholders are deprived of participation or in case some stakeholders are adversely affected by any project activity, the aggrieved person will be able to complain and get remedy.
As the first tier of GRM, an officer will be designated as Grievance Redress Officer (GRO) at the upazila level who will be the first level contact for an aggrieved person. On a fixed date of every month, the Grievance Redress Officer (GRO) will visit the village/ CIGs where individuals / community will approach him/her. UAO, UFO and ULO will act as Appellate Officers for first tier at upazila level. This will be in addition to complaint book/box kept at the FIAC which will be entertained by the Grievance Redress Officer (GRO) the same day at the field level. Each FIAC and upazila will have information board with the name of the Grievance Redress Officer (GRO) and Appellate Officer at upazila and district level along with the cell phone numbers of concerned officers. The concerned Upazila Grievance Redress Officer (UGRO) will prepare a monthly report on these cases, and submit to the District Grievance Redress Officer (DGRO). The Upazila offices of the concerned agencies will respond to the complaints and resolve cases on monthly basis and only those requiring higher level attention will be forwarded to the district or PIU level.
As the second tier of GRM, an Integrated Grievance Redress Mechanism (IGRM) will be established at the district level that will register user complaints using various mediums written, mobile or web based complaints and address them in a time bound system. The project will commit itself for proactive disclosure and sharing of information with the key stakeholders, including the communities/beneficiaries. Most grievances are expected to be resolved at this level including appeals. DDAE, DFO and DLO will act as Appellate Officers for second tier at district level. Complaints/appeals not resolved at upazila and district levels and those requiring higher level attention will be forwarded to the PIU-headquarters or to PMU as the case may be.
As the third tier, each PIU will have a central grievance redress committee at the PIU-headquarters which will have mainly oversight and monitoring role. The project will have a communication strategy focusing on efficient and effective usage of print and electronic media, bill boards, posters, wall writing, and adoption of any other method suiting local context, logistics, human and financial resources. As part of GRM, a Grievance Redress Cell (GRC) will be set up at PIU-headquarters under each component. PD, PMU and Directors of PIUs would be the Appellate Authorities to decide upon the appeals not resolved at first and second tiers. All the names of the officers relating to grievance redress will be displayed on the project websites.
The Grievance Redress Officer and the Appellate Authority for the redress of the grievances for the components at different levels, along with the time period stipulated for addressing the complaints finally, are given below. The contact details will be disclosed on the project websites and will be updated regularly.